Monday, November 08, 2010

Monday: I know this much is true

I missed last week's favorite things post, so I thought I would throw one in on a Monday and maybe do another one later in the week. Today's I know this much is true is all about my five favorite television shows (not including those that are now off the air like LOST). These are in no particular order:

1. Friday Night Lights: I am a recent convert to Friday Night Lights thanks to the persuasion of Lindsey Brittain and Netflix. I love this show for so many reasons, primarily because of the way they really develop each character to draw you into the story (ok, the drama). The football obsessed town reminds me of my home town and love of football in some ways (Go Calallen Wildcats!), when it was most important to date a football player, be seen at the games, and cry at the end of a loss with everyone else (seriously, why do all the cheerleaders and other girls cry after games...they probably didn't even know what was happening most of the time). Anyway, if you haven't watched FNL, definitely catch up in time for season 5.

2. Project Runway: I go in and out of watching this show, but I tuned in for this past season because I went to high school with one of the girls on the show, Valerie Mayen. Valerie didn't win, but she was in the top 6 and is an awesome designer. Check out her shop here. I remember Valerie as early as elementary school being an amazing artist and extremely creative. The Lord has definitely allowed her to refine those talents and be successful by doing what she loves! Anyway, this past season is over and I didn't agree with who the judges chose as the winner. Maybe I will tune in again next season.

3. Biggest Loser: Some people hate this show, but I love everything about it. I love to see the transformation of people once they have lost a lot of weight. I love the way Bob and Jillian work out the contestants and get into their heads about why they're so fat. I usually cry at a few episodes every season, as well as fast forward through some of the drama/game playing. I love Tuesday nights..first amazing Bible Study at The Village and then coming home to watch Biggest Loser!

4. How I Met Your Mother: Kent introduced me to this show on our honeymoon. It's funny and enjoyable, and typically end up laughing out loud.

5. America's Next Top Model: I think I am the only person alive that still watches this show, but I love how they take these normal girls and turn them into models and I love the photo shoots. I know the eliminations are overly dramatic and I know that the girls are even more dramatic. But, if you DVR it you can fast forward through the silly parts and just watch the creative ones.

Ok, that's all for now. I need to go get ready for tomorrow...lunches need to be packed, coffee made, and a shower taken!

1 comment:

Paul and Leslie said...

Hey! I gave up on looking at your old blog since I thought you had given up on it for good! Glad you "found" me!
Congrats on the exciting!