Saturday, November 27, 2010

Baby Showers!!

November feels like a blur, and that is my reason for not posting much this month. I am attempting to post at least 2 times per week and I failed this month. I will try to get back to regularly posting.

November was the month of my two baby showers. One was in Flower Mound at my sister's house, and the other was in Corpus at one of our family friend's house. Both were absolutely lovely and we are overwhelmed at people's generosity. Before you see the pictures I want to note that I am wearing the exact same outfit in both pictures. If you have ever shopped for decent looking maternity clothes, you know that they are expensive!!! Therefore, in order to justify paying for something I really liked I wore it to both showers.

Flower Mound shower with the hostesses
The gorgeous table!

Sign in table

My special helper-Addie 

A few of my beautiful friends that attended

Opening presents
The Flower Mound shower was my "big" shower. My mom and my two mother in laws came in from out of town to celebrate with us. It meant so much to have all of Drew's grandmother's there (Cita-my mom, KK-Kent's mom, and Gigi-Kent's step mom). My hostesses are some of the most beautiful people I know.  They have all touched my life in various ways, and them helping with the shower meant so much. Briefly, a word about each of them starting from left to right in the picture below:

Marianne Lagerstrom: We met the Lags when the hosted a Sacred Marriage book study at their house. We instantly fell in love with them, and soon began going on double dates and fun couple outings. The Lags marriage has survived the storm, and they have a testimony of God's redeeming power. The Lagerstroms have a love for the arts and good food, so most of our time with them usually surrounds one of those things with amazing deep conversation.

Lauren Williams: Lauren and I have been friends since 2004. We lived together spring 2004-spring 2007, so we know each other well. I love this girl more than words can express. She possesses a wisdom that could only come from the Lord. Lauren has a wonderful sense of humor with great timing...she is one of those people that is subtly witty. I love Lauren, she is truly a great friend.

Lindsey Brittain: Lindsey and I went to Liberia, Africa together in the summer of 2005. We became fast friends on that trip, and have remained great friends ever since. Lindsey is truly one of the most dependable and loving people I know. She will do anything for a friend and longs to serve others well. Lindsey also truly loves people. She calls out sin in my life even when it means an uncomfortable conversation. Lindsey is a true, true friend to me.

Megan Seidel: It's hard to know where to begin talking about my sister. This woman loves me and knows me, and I am so thankful that she is apart of my family. Megan prays with a heart that longs to know the Lord more. She is a wonderful mother and she puts up with my many questions about pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. I am beyond thankful for my sister, and I hope that we grow old together.

Glo Gaddis: Glo and I met in a bible study in the fall of 2005. She exuded wisdom and love for the Lord, and I instantly wanted to know her more. She began mentoring me shortly there after, and we have remained close through the last 5 years. Glo prays for Kent, Drew, and I probably more than anyone else. She has been there for me when I needed a place to live, a person to confess to, a stand in mom when mine is far away, and an example of a godly woman. I hope to love my husband and children as well as Glo loves hers. 

Now for the Corpus Christi shower. I didn't have anyone take any pictures of this shower, so there are only a few.

The CC hostesses
 The Corpus shower was hosted mainly by my mom's friends. These women have seen me literally grow up in front of their eyes. I love the thought of how cyclical life is...having children in a community of people, watching those children get married, and then supporting them as they have children of their own. These women are gems and I love each of them so much. Melanie (the cute blonde next to me) and I have been friends since elementary school. We spent many, many nights together calling into radio stations to request songs, sneaking into our older sister's things, laughing until we cried, and eating corn nuts and drinking cokes (sounds gross, but it was the best combination at Mel's house!). It's so weird to me that we have literally been friends for over 20 years! I hope that we remain friends for 20 more!
Two of my fav friends from High School-Melanie and Lanna

Drew is loved from places all over Texas, and that makes my heart full and joyful. Thank you to everyone that supports and cares for our family. We'd probably be in a ditch without each of you. I pray our son is blessed with rich community as we have been. 


Melanie "Meme" Burris said...

I know we will be friends for 20 more years!! Love you and Drew and I hope to see you soon! Hopefully I can come visit Dallas in February. Jennifer owes me a place to stay!!!

Sum said...

it's about time for Drew to get here! I need to see him in some of those cute outfits he got. :)

and you look like a hot mama in those pics.

Lauren Williams said...

What a fun way to thank your hostesses! It was a fun shower to throw! I can't wait to see you holding baby Drew!