Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eight Things

It's been awhile since I have done one of these, and my friend Melanie tagged me to do this post. Here are the rules for "eight things":

mention the person that tagged you.
complete the list of eight things.
tag eight of your wonderful blogger friends.
go tell them you tagged them

Eight things I look forward to:
1. Going to Crystal Beach on Friday
2. Going to Mexico next Wednesday
3. Completing the 08-09 school year
4. Getting a tan
5. Meeting Macy (new niece to be born in July)
6. Watching the movie My Sister's Keeper (comes out in June)
7. Owning a home
8. Spending more time writing in the summer months

Eight things I did yesterday:
1. Worked Out
2. Listened to an Inventory
3. Took a 2 hour nap
4. Finished reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
5. Ate sushi
6. Drank an Americano
7. Went to the movies with my husband (watched Is Anybody There?)
8. Talked to Lindsey on the phone

Eight things i wish i could do:
1.Be in two places at once
2. Not be a full-time SLP
3. Be debt free
4. Walk in more humility
5. Live near the ocean
6. Run another marathon
7. Live closer to my parents
8. Truly cast all my anxiety on Christ

Eight shows i watch: (this is embarrassing)
1. The Office
2. America's Next Top Model
3. How I Met your Mother
(Those are the only shows I regularly watch. I occasionally watch American Idol or Biggest Loser...but not frequently)

I am tagging Summer, Lauren, and Natalie. That's not 8, but whatever. Kinda a boring post, but it killed time before I get to go sit on Blue Goose patio with my IC!!!! Look for beach pics soon!

1 comment:

Sum said...

I'm on this and I will def steal some of your answers!!!! IC was great yesterday. Come on beach!!