Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Cheat Post!!

So, I swore I would post before Kent came home on Thursday, but it's almost 10 pm which is when I turn into a pumpkin so my post can't be too long. 10 things that I have learned while Kent has been gone (beware, they are a little cheesy!)

1) I really loved the looooonnnngggg season of being single, but I am so glad it's over. Thank you Lord for the call to marriage.
2) I am thankful that Kent takes out the trash. Doing it this week made me remember how much I hate it. I always stand back as far as I can from the dumpster and launch the bag in. Not many things gross me out nearly as much as the smell of a dumpster.
3) Things are just better when Kent is here...even if we're not talking, I just like to have him near. Summer and Lauren got a kick out of the fact that Kent and I will sit with our laptops propped up in our laps while laying in bed. ha, ha.
4) I complain a lot about the weekly pileup of socks on the floor and the 3 or more cups that accumulate by my husband's bedside, but this week has taught me I secretly love it because it means he's here.
5) We suck at talking on the phone (we already knew this, but it was confirmed this week).
6) I learned how video chat on google on Sunday...very cool and very futuristic feeling! Kent and I laughed about how we thought that we thought there would be flying cars by the time we could live video chat.
7) I learned the importance of praying for wives that have husbands that travel frequently. Especially if it's overseas! (Kent is only in Indiana, but it feels like another country. :)
8) I really appreciate him getting me bedside water nightly. I knew I appreciated it before, but this week has reminded me how much.
9) I have been reminded that the Lord is truly my only constant companion.
10) I learned that it takes less than 10 months to develop very regular habits. We have been married less than 10 months, but having him gone for 7 days has thrown my whole schedule for a loop.

The other portion of my blog is a cop-out. I never blogged about our awesome spring break. Summer did a great job of sharing, so check out her blog.

Good night my loves!!


Lauren Williams said...

aw i like this :) cheesy can be good :)
Jerry is the same way with the multiple cups by the bedside, i don't know how it happens, it's seriously remarkable

Sum said...

dumpsters are the worst. I can never look if I am watching a TV show and someone falls into one. It's like I can smell it through the TV.